The Additional Mass of Life by Amrit Sorli...believe if you wish but not a source of genuine knowledge. Basically, they have some worms and formaldehyde in a closed system [including pressure and temperature] and then kill the worms. During and after the death of the worms, the mass changes.
This is a bit bizarre for several reasons. It is difficult to draw some general conclusion from a single set of experiments [such as the one cited]. Web searches have revealed not a single similar experiment of the caliber presented here and upon further investigation information regarding the author and source of the article [Amrit Sorli and the Journal of Theoretics (a nonprofit 501c3 organization)] cast some doubts as to the purpose of the experiment which is, I assume, to propose some "spirit entity" and promote a stance in regards the laws of thermodynamics and open/closed energy systems. I am neither familiar with the author [a proclaimed "independent researcher"] nor the journal that purports to offer peer review scientific articles.
The opening statement of the abstract states emphatically: "This paper demonstrates that there is an additional mass associated with a living organism." The third and fourth sentence dilute the opening sentence of strong conviction: "...appears to be..." and "...could be...." Incidentally, the University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty is primarily interested in agronomy. The initial experiment involved fungus and a similar experiment with rats [Shiuji Inomata] was performed. The whole conclusion boils down to this: "A possible interpretation of this data could be that the organism, during its growing period, absorbed some unknown energy that is able to permeate a physically closed system." And, the "mystery" could be extended to study and "...measure electromagnetic fields and radiation around a living creature and followed until it is in a dead state. Such an experiment could possibly yield information about what this unknown mass of life may actually be."
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