"How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming"
Nicholas Jackson
December 7th, 2010
The Atlantic
Nicholas Jackson
December 7th, 2010
The Atlantic
We all grew up learning, in school, that there were nine planets in the solar system. We never thought much about it: That's just the way it was. But in 2005, Mike Brown, a professor of planetary astronomy at the California Institute of Technology, discovered a tenth. As he explains in his new book, How I Killed Pluto and Why it Had it Coming, out today by Spiegel & Grau, this is something he had been working toward his whole life. That day of discovery was one of the best days of his life, second only, perhaps, to the day his daughter, Lilah, was born.
But the excitement only lasted so long. Brown's discovery ignited a year-long debate over how, exactly, to define a planet. And when things got out of control, when too many bodies were being upgraded to planetary status, it was Brown who had to step in and demote his own discovery, the largest object found in the solar system in 150 years, and, along with it, beloved Pluto.
I couldn't accept it.
The solar system does not consist of twelve planets and then everything else. That is simply a fundamentally incorrect description of it. And the next day in Prague, astronomers were going to stand up and encourage the world to think of the solar system incorrectly. As someone who spends much of my life trying to be not just a scientist but an educator, trying to explain the universe and show the excitement without resorting to science fiction or trivial simplification, the idea that astronomers would actively encourage people to have the wrong view of the solar system seemed almost criminal. The idea that I was going to, overnight, become one of the most famous astronomers in the world on account of this criminal activity made me a passive accomplice. I had to do something to stop it.
I hobbled back from the rocky beach up to the house. I woke Diane and told her that when the press called tomorrow I was going to have to tell them why the new proposed definition of planet was no good and why, in the end, it made sense all along for there to be just eight planets. I told her that I was going to have to kill Pluto and that Xena would go down as necessary and important collateral damage.
All along, Diane had been more practical than I was. "Just let it be a planet," she would say. "Try not to worry about it so much," she had told me all year. "Relax" was her usual advice.
But this time, when I told her that I couldn't support Xena's becoming a planet, Diane simply said, "Of course not, sweetie. You always needed to do what's right." And then she gave me her usual advice: "Relax."
I did not sleep well that night.
The next morning, I went to the village of Eastsound, where I knew I could get freshly brewed coffee and a freshly flown-in newspaper. On the front page, a headline screamed, "Three New Planets Added to Solar System." A beautifully prepared graphic -- courtesy of the IAU -- showed the new solar system with the twelve planets all in place. The article prominently featured quotes of mine from previous interviews about the new planet Xena.
I felt sick to my stomach.
This was it. Astronomers had taken a beautiful and subtle solar system and turned it into a cartoon. And the cartoon was wrong.
I went back to the house and called the people at media relations at Caltech and told them where to find me. I hung up the phone and waited for two minutes before it rang.
I spent most of the next twelve hours, and indeed most of the next week, on the phone talking to the press about the solar system, planets, and why the IAU's proposed definition was fatally flawed, and explaining why Pluto -- and Xena -- should really not be considered planets.
At first the reporters were shocked. They were calling to get quotes from the most newly minted planet discoverer about how fabulous all of this was. Instead I was telling them that everything they had heard from the IAU the day before made no sense. Suddenly there was a controversy. My phone kept ringing.
Lilah developed a new sign, which either meant "Daddy" or simply meant "phone," I could never tell. Whenever she saw an object of the right size, she would pick it up and immediately hold it to her ear and then point at me.
Astronomers around the world picked up on some of the silly implications of making Charon a planet simply by virtue of the location of the center of mass of the orbit. In the middle of one phone interview, it suddenly occurred to me that the center of mass of the sun and Jupiter lies outside the sun, so by IAU logic, Jupiter should not be considered a planet since it doesn't really go around the sun. Another astronomer sent an email showing that if a massive moon were on an elongated orbit, the center of mass could be inside the planet during part of its orbit but outside the planet during other parts of its orbit, meaning that, according to the IAU, that moon would switch back and forth between being a planet to being a nonplanet during the course of its orbit. And a few days later, courtesy of a fabulous press release by Greg Laughlin, an astronomer at the University of California Santa Cruz, the newspapers explained that because our moon is slowly moving outward, away from the earth, in a billion years or so it will have moved so far away that the center of mass of the earth-moon system will lie outside the earth. Suddenly: boom! The moon will officially be a planet. It would be a day to celebrate.
I wasn't in Prague, so someone else will have to tell the details of what actually happened there. What I do know is this: Astronomers there, who I had been told were going to go along sheepishly with this mess of a proposal, revolted.
The revolting astronomers, who grew to be a sizable fraction of the astronomers present, made it quite firmly known that they would not support the secret committee proposal. The only proposal they would support would be one where Pluto was put in its logical -- rather than emotional -- place. Pluto, Charon, Ceres, and my own Xena would all have to go. The press, and indeed the astronomers in Prague themselves, were quite amused by the fact that one of the most vocal supporters of demoting Pluto, Charon, Ceres, and Xena was the guy who had the most to personally gain from Xena being a planet: me.

Mike Brown
ISBN-10: 0385531087
ISBN-13: 978-0385531085
In Ms. Kornfeld's response she cites two books...David A. Weintraub's Is Pluto a Planet A Historical Journey Through the Solar System and Alan Boyle's The Case for Pluto: How a Little Planet Made a Big Difference.

David A. Weintraub
ISBN-10: 0691123489
ISBN-13: 978-0691123486
The only reviews found were from seller and publisher...somewhat biased.

The Case for Pluto: How a Little Planet Made a Big Difference
Alan Boyle
ISBN-10: 0470505443
ISBN-13: 978-0470505441
Alan Boyle
ISBN-10: 0470505443
ISBN-13: 978-0470505441
A review by Dr. Fred Bortz...
As the 2006-2007 school year began, classrooms from kindergarten to college were abuzz with news from the frontiers of the Solar System. Only days earlier, on August 24, astronomers had kicked Pluto out of the family of planets.
At least that's the way most non-scientists were viewing the outcome of a vote taken at the meeting of the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Astronomers, like Vanderbilt University professor David A. Weintraub, knew better. As he writes in Is Pluto a Planet?, Pluto's status had been in doubt from almost the time it was discovered in 1930.
The doubts intensified early in the present century with the discovery of several bodies only slightly smaller than Pluto in the region of the Solar System known as the Kuiper Belt. Astronomers began thinking of Pluto as the first known and the largest Kuiper Belt Object discovered to date. With improved observational tools, most expected that an even larger KBO would soon be found.
In January 2005, astronomer Michael Brown announced the discovery of a large KBO in a photograph taken by his observing team at the Palomar Observatory on October 21, 2003. Its brightness suggested that it could be as larger or larger than Pluto. Designated 2003 UB313 by the IAU and nicknamed "Xena" by Dr. Brown and his colleagues, the object was quickly touted as "the tenth planet."
As Dr. Weintraub writes, it was not the first time a tenth planet had been found. The largest asteroids were considered planets for many years after their discovery early in the 19th century. As a result, Pluto was "the Fourth Ninth Planet."
It was also not the first time that astronomers had postulated the existence of yet unseen planet-sized bodies. Until Einstein's general theory of relativity explained deviations in the orbit of Mercury, astronomers searched avidly for Vulcan, a supposed planet so close to the Sun that it was hidden by glare. They hoped to repeat the mathematical tour-de-force that led to the discovery of Neptune. (Pluto was discovered after similar calculations, though we now know that was a fortunate but misleading accident.)
"Our quest to answer the question Is Pluto a planet? led us directly to a question about physics: What is a planet?" Dr. Weintraub writes. "Answering this second question, which was not simple or easy, has revealed that we live in a solar system that is quite different from the one we thought we lived in." That second question, and the author's surprising answer to the first, make this Historical Journey Through the Solar System fascinating and entertaining reading.
Yet the book suffers from an "elephant in the room" flaw that will hurt it in the marketplace. Nowhere does it discuss the 2006 IAU meeting and the tumultuous public reaction to it. It does not mention the nickname "Xena" for the latest tenth planet or its official name, Eris.
Weintraub would have preferred that the IAU adopt a broader definition of "planet" that includes subcategories, making Earth not only a planet but also a "rocky planet." Pluto, and Eris, plus several other large KBOs and asteroids would also make the cut.
He argues that having a short and memorable list serves neither astronomy nor education: "It is time to start teaching our youngsters something more complicated, with more depth of meaning, than the simple memorization rubric My Very Earthly Mother Just Served Us Nasty Pizza."
Too bad that he and the publisher did not delay the book long enough to put this minority opinion in its full context.
Pluto was NOT put in its "logical" place at the Prague convention. Pluto is not dead; Mike Brown tried but failed to "kill" it. The IAU demotion was done by only four percent of its members, most of whom are not planetary scientists. It was opposed by hundreds of planetary scientists in a formal petition led by Dr. Alan Stern, Principal Investigator of NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto. Even Dr. Neil de Grasse Tyson admits the debate is ongoing. I encourage people to learn both sides of the issue. Some good pro-Pluto as a planet books are "Is Pluto A Planet?" by Dr. David Weintraub, "The Case for Pluto" by Alan Boyle, and my own book, hopefully out this winter, "The Little Planet that Would Not Die: Pluto's Story."
This whole tangent of Lilah and Diane really doesn't belong in an astrononmy book. There are many books on this subject on both sides of the debate, and none go this far off topic. I want to read about astronomy, not about someone's spouse and kid.
To the credit of the editor, "The Atlantic" has asked for an excerpt from my book, which is still a work in progress. I hope you will look for the printing of my response and note it in this blog.
Note amended content of original post.
"I hope you will look for the printing of my response and note it in this blog."
Notify me for I don't always catch these items.
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