Well, February 14th is the big day for all romantics and as usual big bucks are spent. But it doesn't have to be that way. Jill Papworth of The Guardian offers these thoughts...
"How Valentine's Day can be romantic without costing the earth"
With a classic film, home-cooked meal or lover's IOU you don't have to break the bank to treat that special someone
Jill Papworth
February 12th, 2011
The Guardian
With a classic film, home-cooked meal or lover's IOU you don't have to break the bank to treat that special someone
Jill Papworth
February 12th, 2011
The Guardian
If you want to show someone you love them on 14 February, but don't want to buy into the blatant commercialisation of Valentine's Day by shelling out on overpriced roses, restaurant meals and tacky gifts, take our tips for passion on a zero budget.
Ti amo
Learn to say "I love you" in a dozen or more different languages.
Go public with your love
Video yourself using a camera phone or webcam declaring your love and upload it online for free to websites such as YouTube. Then send them a link via email so they can enjoy your Valentine's Day video.
Dear John ... or Jane
Write an old-fashioned love letter telling them how you feel and send it in a card you've made yourself. If you lack artistic skills, you'll find downloadable, free cards to print off at presentationmagazine.com as well as templates for making your desires clear via PowerPoint.
The writing's on the wall
Spell out "I love you" or another pertinent message in every way you can think of. Use alphabet magnets on the fridge, write it in steam on the window, in chalk on the garden path, in utensils on the kitchen table and in ribbon on the bed. Put small love notes in places where your partner will find them – in coat pockets, their wallet or purse, the bathroom cabinet.
Write a love list
Write down 10 things you love about your partner on a sheet of paper and stick it somewhere they will see it first thing in the morning, such as inside their wardrobe or on the bathroom mirror. If you are hard-pushed thinking of 10, go for five instead.
Plan a romantic meal at home
You don't need to be a budding MasterChef to make an impact. Simple dishes will impress if they are presented on an ironed tablecloth with napkins, candles, a handwritten menu card and your loved one's favourite music in the background. If that's too formal, make an indoor picnic basket or breakfast in bed with egg hearts on toast (use a sharp knife to cut out a heart shape from a slice of bread. Toast and butter the heart shape. Meanwhile, heat butter in a frying pan and put in the bread slice template. Crack an egg into the heart-shaped hole, fry up and serve on the toast).
Recite a love poem
Either one you've written yourself or copy one out from poemsforfree.com. If you can hold a tune, sing a love song.
Make a scrapbook
Gather mementos from your time together: photos, letters, cards and tickets, and stick them in with appropriate captions.
Here's looking at you
Borrow old romantic films from friends or the library and watch them, snuggled up on the sofa. Readers voted Casablanca number one.
I promise to pay...
Make your partner a romantic coupon book containing IOU promises of future favours you know they will appreciate such as: "I promise to clean your car/give you a back rub/cook and wash up for a weekend/ babysit the kids." But don't forget to follow through on your pledges.
If the above fails, just shoot the messenger...

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