Who is your choice for living "popular" scientist?
Brian Greene...0
Freeman Dyson...3
Lawrence Krauss...0
Neil deGrasse Tyson...2
Stephen Hawking...3
Somewhat surprised. I suppose Hawking would lead...he is quite an icon. I expected Krauss to be at the bottom...claim to fame mostly with the physics of "Star Trek". But I did think that Greene would be favored with his "Elegant Universe" material. Tyson may have shot himself in the foot with the Pluto statement. Dyson is for older individuals expressing a little more wisdom.
Brian Greene:
"Put a Little Science in Your Life"...please
Freeman Dyson:
A birthday celebration today-- Freeman Dyson...#85
Freeman Dyson--optimist
Lawrence Krauss:
Krauss & Jeremijenko on a date and discuss science
Neil deGrasse Tyson:
Neil deGrasse Tyson...new representative
Neil deGrasse Tyson..."NOVA scienceNow"--2nd season
Pluto, Tyson, CNN lecture
"The Pluto Files" by Neil deGrasse Tyson
Tyson, Weintraub, Tombaugh & Pluto
Tyson's interview with "Time" on Pluto and planets
Stephen Hawking:
Another review of Stephen and Lucy Hawking's children's book
"George's Secret Key to the Universe"--Stephen Hawking & daughter Lucy
Hawking, Einstein, Africa
Hawking--England or Canada...makes no difference
Job application...Lucasian professor of mathematics
Peter Higgs vs Stephen Hawking
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
S. Hawking documentary
S. Hawking to Canada
Stephen Hawking's warnings
Space exploration?...Stephen Hawking's perspective
Stephen Hawking..."Master of the Universe"--documentary
Popularization of science
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