Friday, November 9, 2012

Thanksgiving films

Here is a potpourri of Thanksgiving theme films.

Remember those high school days of endless educational films that allowed an afternoon nap or moments of reverie of the girl sitting across from you?

Here is one such film.

The Pilgrims


Encyclopedia Britannica Films American History


The Three Stooges will put a zip in your step. A classic from 1937 has pretty girls, Indians, Pilgrims, and good ole slapstick humor and one-liners.

Back to the Woods

Part 1

Back to the Woods

Part 2

Patrice Wilson will rap you trough Thanksgiving. [Video is by Nicole Westbrook.] [2012].

Since I am being "goofy" or rather "daffy", here is Daffy Duck in Holiday for Drumsticks [1949].

And finally, somber thoughts from William Burroughs [1986].

Previous Thanksgiving posts...
Thanksgiving lithograph postcards from the past

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