Willard Wigan and the small
This is not new...making works of art in the miniature...but this is realllllllllly small. Willard Wigan is making works of art seen by a microscope only. His art reminds me of an episode of X Minus One [episode 90 aired February 27th, 1957] entitled "Real Gone" [Ernest Kinoy] where a sculptor becomes rich over his miniature creations, renowned for their astoundingly realistic detail. But a jazz musician friend [Al "Jazzbo" Collins] of his soon discovers there is more than to his masterpieces than mere artistic talent. [NOTE: Al "Jazzbo" Collins was a real DJ.]
Willard Wigan"Real Gone"
Al "Jazzbo" Collins
Allan Ginsberg...that is who he reminds me of...or a chubby Maynard....definitely a beat generation....the hat says everything