Sunday, March 21, 2010

Willard Wigan and the small

This is not new...making works of art in the miniature...but this is realllllllllly small. Willard Wigan is making works of art seen by a microscope only. His art reminds me of an episode of X Minus One [episode 90 aired February 27th, 1957] entitled "Real Gone" [Ernest Kinoy] where a sculptor becomes rich over his miniature creations, renowned for their astoundingly realistic detail. But a jazz musician friend [Al "Jazzbo" Collins] of his soon discovers there is more than to his masterpieces than mere artistic talent. [NOTE: Al "Jazzbo" Collins was a real DJ.]

Willard Wigan

"Real Gone"

Al "Jazzbo" Collins

1 comment:

  1. Allan Ginsberg...that is who he reminds me of...or a chubby Maynard....definitely a beat generation....the hat says everything
