Annus mirabilis-1905
March is a time of transition
winter and spring commence their struggle
between moments of ice and mud
a robin appears heralding the inevitable
life stumbling from its slumber
it was in such a period of change in 1905
that the House of Physics
would see its Newtonian axioms
of an ordered universe collapse
into a new frontier
where the divisions of time and space
matter and energy
were to blend as rain and wind
in a storm that broke loose
within the mind of Albert Einstein
where Brownian motion danced
seen and unseen, a random walk
that became his papers marching through science
reshaping the very fabric of the universe
we have come to know
we all share a common ancestor
a star long lost in the eons of memory
and yet in that commonality
nature demands a permutation
a perchance genetic roll of the dice
which births a new vision
lifting us temporarily from the mystery
exposing some of the roots to our existence
only to raise a plethora of more questions
as did the papers of Einstein in 1905
March is a time of transition
winter and spring commence their struggle
between moments of ice and mud
a robin appears heralding the inevitable
life stumbling from its slumber
it was in such a period of change in 1905
that the House of Physics
would see its Newtonian axioms
of an ordered universe collapse
into a new frontier
where the divisions of time and space
matter and energy
were to blend as rain and wind
in a storm that broke loose
within the mind of Albert Einstein
where Brownian motion danced
seen and unseen, a random walk
that became his papers marching through science
reshaping the very fabric of the universe
we have come to know
we all share a common ancestor
a star long lost in the eons of memory
and yet in that commonality
nature demands a permutation
a perchance genetic roll of the dice
which births a new vision
lifting us temporarily from the mystery
exposing some of the roots to our existence
only to raise a plethora of more questions
as did the papers of Einstein in 1905
112 Mercer Street...where Einstein lived
"A brain is a terrible thing to lose"--Al Gore
"Akademie Olympia"
Albert Einstein and YIVO
An over zealous Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington?
An unfulflled wish
Asimov of the 1920s--Edwin Slosson
Deceased--Kiyoshi Ito
Deceased--Robert Simha
E=mc2...Einstein's idea?
"Einstein and Eddington"...BBC production
Einstein--audio and film
Einstein: Chauvinist?
Einstein--Gutkind letter...SOLD!
Einstein iconography--five papers
Einstein merchandise still brings bucks
Einstein relaxed
Einstein shot by Esther Bubley
Einstein: Spiritual and the scientific
Einstein, the Laskers, and chess
Einstein train...rusted and retired
Einstein was not poor
"Einstein's Big Idea"...back again
"Einstein's Mistakes"--Ohanian's book on the market
Einstein's "religious" letter...two essays
Historical event in 1942 at the University of Chicago
Johns Hopkins and Einstein--mistake?
Mozart Effect?
New Book--"Joseph Rotblat - A man of conscience in the nuclear age"
Nuclear weaponry
Philip Morrison...physicist
Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington--poetic tribute
"The Mother of Nuclear Fision"
Time to re-evaluate physics
Unusual Einstein photographs
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